Thursday, February 07, 2013

Wayside Expressions Gallery Mari Mujica, Photo‐Ethnographer

Wayside Christian Mission
Wayside Expressions Gallery
Mari Mujica, Photo‐Ethnographer
Sueños de Mujer, Barreras de Inmigrante
Women's Dreams, Immigrant Barriers
Opening Reception,  First Friday, March 1, 2013 - 5:00 to 9:00 PM
There will be a second reception on the
Third Sunday,  March 17, 2013 - 2:00 to 4:00 PM
This exhibition will be on display through April 2, 2013.
Gallery will be open Monday through Friday
 11 AM to 1:30 PM or by appointment.
This event is free. Open to the Public.
Wayside Expressions Gallery
Hotel Louisville
120 West Broadway, SE Corner of 2nd and Broadway Streets
Louisville, Kentucky 40202
For an appointment or information call – Randy Webber, Development
Wayside Christian Mission - 502-836-7661 or 502-584-3711