Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Youth Group Experiences an Education at Wayside

Dear Linda,
I was so excited to meet you last week end. You are amazing. I hope you get to hear that a lot. I learned a lot while I was there. Last year I got a new perspective on the mission there and their purpose. I learned that homeless doesn't always mean bum, it also means down on your luck. I learned that well meaning people can be homeless as well. I learned that Wayside Christian Mission is not just a shelter from the weather and a place for free loaders to come for food. I love that it is for not only feeding but teaching to fish as well. I have a whole new outlook for this program.

This year I learned a lot about relationships from you and Ms P. I learned that loving yourself is the first step to loving others. I learned that when you respect yourself others will respect you. You don't have to be loud to be heard. I could sit and listen to you two speak for hours.

My girls really enjoyed it as well and got a lot out of it. We talked about our experience all the way home and the next day too.