Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Way Cool PotLuck Update, Wed. 12-14

Louisville Largest PotLuck Update   -- We Still Need Your Help, Kentuckiana!
Here's what we have committed followed by what we need:
  • Turkeys 28 – we need 72 more turkeys
  • Hams 2 - we need 18 more hams
  • Side Dishes 14 – we need about 300 more side dishes
  • Desserts 12 cakes and 1 general dessert – we need about 200 desserts

We are inviting our community to help us put together a WAY COOL potluck to serve our city’s hungry and homeless a super wonderful meal on a day that can be difficult when one is down on their luck.  Daily we serve about 1,400 meals but on Christmas we plan for about 2,000 throughout the day. 

We need your help!  Please call us at 742-9715 or 345-6080.