Saturday, September 10, 2005

Katrina Guests Update 9-10-05

Katrina Guests Update 9-10-05

Another busy day today as we worked to help many of our newer guests access services and begin to settle into their new surroundings. One volunteer has been working hard to set up a beauty salon. In one day she was able to get the local inspections completed and then go to Frankfort to get the license needed for beauticians to volunteer to work on hair. The Pavilion building had most of the plumbing and sinks in place but needed hair stations and several needed items were donated from local salons. We still need two multi purpose chairs to do it right. Three Katrina residents got their hair cut today in the new salon called “Mission: Hair”. One is starting work on Monday and the other two are boys that will start school. We could use some additional licensed beauticians to help share the load. Someone to work on nails would also be nice. If you come you will need to bring your “tools”. We have the sanitizer and a dryer. Call and we will schedule times.

Tonight Father John Judie, pastor of Christ the King Catholic Church, performed Mass for our Catholic residents. Father Judie is from New Orleans and his message was very helpful for many of the residents. Father Judie brought his assistant Father Charles and his brother and his kids who are evacuees. Sister Sue from the Ursuline Order came and translated the service for the Hispanic guests. The Mission Choir performed as part of the service. One resident said she had not had communion since before the storm and she had not been able to sleep. After the service she said “now I am alright, now I will be able to sleep”. Others said “the choir really touched me”.

A number of volunteers came and assisted with sorting donations and supplies and put together care packages. One African American church had about 40 workers helping today. At the end of the day they surrounded the lobby, held hands, and prayed for the evacuees. A Girl Scout Troop from Nelson County came and sorted food items. Volunteer Hospitality Helpers did a great job keeping things clean and organized on the guests’ floor.